The 11th World Congress on Controversies in Preconception, Preimplantation and Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (CoGEN)

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The 11th World Congress on Controversies in Preconception, Preimplantation and Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (CoGEN)
Dear Friends and Colleagues
The 11th CoGEN Congress has been meticulously designed to bring together leading researchers, scientists, academicians, industry professionals, and enthusiasts who share a passion for advancing frontiers of preconception, prenatal and preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Join us at the CoGEN Congress, a two-day immersive journey into the forefront of genetic research and cutting-edge genomics technologies.
Congresos - Formación Presencial
Lugar: Paris, Francia
Fecha: 16 al 17 de mayo
Hora: 9:00-18:00
Telf: +44 203 582 7735
Inscripción: Accede aquí
Acceso: Accede aquí
Información: Accede aquí
Destinado a: Profesionales de la reproducción asistida

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